• S W A Y and C A K E

    Thank you to our friends at Sway and Cake in Seattle. We are LOVING you and loving your store. Check out their latest blog… http://swayandcake.blogspot.com/2010/05/introducing-mikoh-swimwear.html

  • B E L L E M E L


  • J U L I B + M O D E R N L U X U R Y

    Check out the latest by Juli B., Modern Luxury’s new website! http://www.julib.com/mikohmy061710C_email.html

  • E V E W I T H O U T A D A M

    Read the full story here: http://evewithoutadam.net/blog/my-news/mikoh-swimwear

  • M E N L O V E I T T O O …

    Let’s not forget about the men in our lives, ladies! The Fashion by He blog offers a man’s point of view in the world of fashion, featuring yours truly. http://www.bloggapedia.com/blog_post.php?p=Thank-You…Mikoh-Swimwear-2164828

  • T H E S T Y L E C O L L E C T I V E

    Thank you to wonderful and fabulous Sybil and the ladies of The Style Collective! We love you! http://thestylecollective.blogspot.com/2010/02/oh-my-mikoh.html

  • S H O P P I N G T H E T R E N D

    Shoping The Trend…We are glad that you are loving the Lucas one-piece! http://www.shoppingthetrend.com/product/Mikoh-Swimwear-Lucas-One-Piece-in-Turquoise.html Buy MIKOH’s Lucas one-piece here!

  • F U T U R E B R I D E S

    Brides-to-be, all those in love, or all those hoping to fall in love… MIKOH is the perfect sexy suit for your honeymoon, according to The Wedding Chicks. Thanks for the kind words! http://www.weddingchicks.com/wedding-chicks/bridal-fashion/41586/sexy-swimwear-for-your-honeymoon/

  • MIKOH Favorites Back in Stock

    Get them while they are HOT ladies and gentlemen! Buy your favorite MIKOH suit NOW at the online store! Perfect timing for that summer suit! http://shop.mikohswimwear.com

  • T A K E O N T H E T R O P I C S

    Thank you Ms. Alex Gambardella for your kind words on Style Hive! We are loving your blog! http://www.stylehive.com/blog/label-love-take-on-the-tropics-with-mikoh-swimwear